In a time when division is clear and self-assumptions run rampant, let us confess and cling to what is true, that our Father’s desire is for life, not death, unity, not segregation, and meekness not pride. Let us as pray with and for one another this prayer adapted from Ernest Campbell, that what we intend and what we choose will indeed be that which allows us to become like Jesus.
O Father, whose will for us is life not death,
forgive us the blindness and perversity that keep us from
choosing life;
help us to act on the truth we know lest we lose it and fall back;
spare us the hypocrisy of assuming that our convictions are
objectively pure while our brother’s or sister’s point of view is slanted
with self-interest;
when our grasp of you is weak, keep firm your hold on us;
when what you are is most hidden from our eyes, help us to
cling to what you command.
May it be our joy and uppermost intention
to rest in you,
to work for you,
to become like you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.