There is an exhortation in the Jerusalem Talmud which says,
“Every man must render an account before God for all the good things he beheld in life and did not enjoy.”
Throughout our days, weeks, months, and years on this earth, there is an innumerable amount of good passing before our eyes. It is not enough that we merely acknowledge the presence of grace, but that we enjoy it. Delight in it. For in enjoying what is good, we learn to live worship. Let us pray together not just for eyes to see, but hearts and souls complete with joy.
Father, we thank you that grace and mercy, goodness and steadfastness follow us all the days of our living. Forgive us for being too busy to rest in such green pastures. Forgive us for being too satiated with every good gift that we cease to be amazed by grace. Forgive us for being too anxious and overwhelmed that we allow joy to be suffocated. Forgive us for being too distracted by what is next that we do not enjoy what is.
Grant us eyes to see your goodness in each day, and hearts and souls that overflow with the joy of it.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.