Joining In The Struggles

This week, as we continue to enter into the lives of one another and our neighbors through prayer, let us pray this timely words adapted from John Ballie, joining together in the struggles for life and freedom, and the sure hope of Jesus.

O God, our Father of all humankind, we bring before you now the burden of the world’s life. We join with the scattered and gathered multitudes who are in the streets and in their hearts crying out to you in their desperation—whether they say your name or not. Hear us, O Father, and look with compassion at our many needs and our many wounds, since YOU alone are able to satisfy all our desire.

We especially join with and commit to you:

All who are far from their family and friends—distanced by disease or divided by politics, race, opinions, fear, etc.;

All who must lie down hungry or cold;

All who suffer pain from chronic illness (social & physical);

All who are kept awake y anxiety;

All who are facing danger or fear of danger;

All who must work and keep watch to allow the rest of us freedom to live and stand up.

We ask you to give us—they and we with them in spirit—all such a sense of your presence that our loneliness may turn to comfort and our trouble to peace.

O most loving God, you showed your love to us in Jesus your Son, by relieving all kinds of suffering and disease, by releasing the captives and oppressed. Grant your blessing on all who are serving others in Christ’s name throughout the world to be a part of you doing the same still today:

All ministers of the gospel of Christ—whether paid or in their loving obedience,

All social workers and social change agents;

All doctors and nurses who faithfully tend the sick;

All who work to see your peace brought in this and every land, regardless of what side of the line they kneel.

Through us—they and we with them in spirit and action—accomplish your great purpose of goodwill to all people, and grant us in our own hearts the joy of Christ’s very real presence.

Grant to us also, O gracious Father, the joy of a life surrendered to Christ’s service and the peace of forgiveness granted through the power of Jesus’ cross.
