May Everything Remind You of Our Lord

For the last couple of weeks we’ve been praying to and from the final image Peter gave us in his second letter. A picture to settle our minds and hearts upon which was nothing less than heaven and earth meet once more and yet anew.

This week, in the LIGHT of our Father’s new creation, a light of life given for our growth and delight, we continue our prayers for and with one another. Praying from the still place that our lives might reflect where we are.

Our prayer comes from yet another adaptation of a Malcolm Guite poem. This poem “Exaudiat te Dominus” is based on Psalm 20. May the mystery of God with us and for us draw us on to seeing His kingdom come, his will done on earth as it is in heaven.

Let’s pray together.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”

the True light

All given for our growth, and our delight

All flowering for us from his sanctuary.

Even before we enter in, his light

Is blessing us. Now may his mystery

Still draw us on, arouse our hearts’ desire,

And may each glimpse of Jesus become an epiphany

of life live well.

May evne the briefest sparks blaze into a holy fire

within and through our lives

As light and warmth illuminate our minds.

And may some scent and sense of heav’n inspire

Our thoughts and words. May everything remind

Us of our Lord, that we may put our trust

Entirely in his name, not in the blind

Dependence of this world, whose weapons rust

Into the soul and kill it from within.

But may we find in Jesus Christ, riches and rest.

For from him and through him and to him

are all things.

To him be the glory forever.
