I don’t know about you, but the burdens that most consume my attention are my own. I don’t want it to be so, but I struggle to be otherwise. I want to worry less, and I want to care more. This week’s prayer is for people like me. It is a prayer for burdens. Will you join with your faith family and me in praying these words adapted from John Ballie.
Most gracious Father, grant that in everything that happens today and this week, that we may carry with us the remembrance of the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ our Lord.
For your fatherly love shown in Jesus Christ your beloved Son;
For his readiness to suffer for us;
For the redemptive passion that filled his heart;
We praise and bless your holy name.
For the power of his cross in the history of the world since he cam;
For all who taken up their own crosses and followed him;
For the noble company of martyrs and for all who are willing to die that others may live;
For all those who freely choose to suffer for the sake of others,
for pain bravely endured, for sorrows of this life that have been
used for the building up of eternal joys;
We praise and bless your holy name.
Father, you look at us in unspeakable love and tenderness, compassion and comradery in the sorrows of earth. Give us grace, we pray, to understand the meaning of the pain and disappointments that we are called to endure in your patience permitting. Save us from worrying. Give us strong hearts to bear our burdens. Give us willing hearts to bear the burdens of others. Give us believing hearts to cast all our burdens on you.
Glory be to you, O Father, and to you, O Christ, and to you, O Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.