We are now over a month into the global pandemic's impact on our daily routines and lively-hoods. The first week was a surreal mixture of fear and disbelief, the second week a surge of energy filled us as we braced for the changes, the third week the monotony set in, and now we are beginning to feel the drain of resources—emotionally, mentally, relationally, financially. It is for those who feel the reserves depleting that we pray this prayer adapted from Earnest Campbell:
We embrace in our prayers today those who live with a sense of running out of what they need:
those who are running out of time, their dreams still unfulfilled;
those who are running out of patience, wondering how long they can endure;
those who are running out of health, who feel their powers waning day by day;
those who are running out of money, who’ve lost income and unsure when it will return;
those who are running out of love, finding it easier all the time to accuse and criticize and isolate and hate.
Our Father, who alone can keep us from runn, whose power is unbounded: where our and our faith family’s and our neighbors’ reserves are low, fill us again, for we wish to endure all the way to the very end.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.