An Energetic Start!

Dear Faith Family,  

After nearly six weeks of repeating preparatory backstories and rejoicing in praiseworthy origins, we sped things up on Sunday. Taking our cue from Mark's gospel account, we jumped right into Jesus' revelatory light: "The good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begins here."

The urgent energy of Mark's opening lines quickened by the brevity of his unavailing of Jesus' identity and purpose. The way prepared, the preparer silenced, the Son affirmed and amplified. What took Matthew some eighty verses and Luke closer to a hundred eighty verses to get to, Mark gets to in just thirteen. And what exactly is Mark in such a hurry to get to? Well, the "good news," of course!

Matching Mark's urgent energy (or perhaps its source) is Jesus' inaugural utterances, the first words of the Word become flesh and dwelling among us:

"Times up!
God's kingdom is here.
Repent and believe the good news." 

Three urgent, energy-packed sentences that re-created the world as we know it. Words that not only launched a life of ministry that led to a death and resurrection that forever changed history's course, but words that are continuing in their creative power to change us. Urgent, energy-packed words that might launch us with similar energy into a new year if we take the time to let them. 

So I invite you to ask the Spirit to reveal to you what Jesus saw as He spoke and continues to speak these world-remaking words. What did Jesus see that He wanted us to see in the true light of His words and life that followed? Ask. Listen. And let His light guide you into our days ahead. 

But, perhaps the words are too familiar to hit our ears with the same energy that Mark scribed them. If that's so, and you're not alone if it is, then let me encourage you first to listen to Sunday's message (whether for the first time or a second!). Then: Ask, Listen, and let His light enlighten. 

Praying for ears to hear and eyes to see so that we might be ones this year who are, as Jesus said, "blessed...for they see...for they hear [what] many prophets and righteous people longed to see...and to hear..." (Matt. 13:16-17)

 Love you, faith family!