An Afternoon Prayer

Lord, take all that I have done thus far today, and make it good. Forgive me for my laziness, procrastination, or inattention, for my impatience and frustration with those I work with, for every careless word or thought, every selfish deed or motivation, for all the times I chose to serve myself instead of others. Take my actual work too—the practical, material, and economic activities of this day—and help them to cultivate goodness and beauty in the world. May the work I have done today become a blessing to others and a work of love which, in the mystery of your gracious will, is caught up in the creation and redemption of the world. If I have failed today, by either poor work or poor spirit, guard my heart from the sin of Cain and help me walk in freedom, forgiveness, and newness of life as I step into a new workday tomorrow. If I have done well today, may I receive your blessing, your encouragement, and your affirmation as a beloved son or daughter boasting, not arrogantly in the fruits of my labor, but rejoicing in your love and your work in and through me, your servant. May I always remember what you require: to act justly, love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with you—even when I am at work. Amen.