An Anytime Prayer for Work

Lord, I bring before you today the fruit of my labor – the work of my hands. I confess that more often than not, I take pride in my work to a fault, doing what I can to draw attention to myself and to my own abilities. I ask that you would re-orient the direction of my praise today, shifting the focus off of my own abilities and onto the one who has enabled me to serve others with my particular gifts—all of which come from you.

Lord, take the works of my hands, both big and small, and use them for your kingdom purposes. May my labor bring you glory, and may it lead others to give you glory as well. Thank you that my labor is never in vain and that you work in and through the tasks that I often view as mundane. I ask that you continue to teach me how to be a worker in your Kingdom; ever mindful of the rhythms of grace that you kindly invite me into. I pray these things in the name of the One who is worthy of my work, Amen.[1]

[1] Adapted from Cook, Jared.
