The late 5th century bishop known as Saint David, once said to his fellow apprentices and pilgrims,
“Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed, and do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about, I walk the path that our fathers have trod before us.”
Knowing that others have followed the path we are taking is freeing. While our culture says that forging a new trail is ideal, Wisdom and Word have shown us that the ancient way is where we find our true selves and life in its fullest. The sureness of the path let’s us “be joyful” in the journey. Let us pray together for joy along the path others have trod before us.
Father, thank you that in Jesus we know the Way. And that in those men and women of faith who have followed him before us, we know the path is sure. Let such wisdom allow us to find joy in the journey. To not be anxious of where we might end up or if we’ll have what it takes to finish what you started. To not be fearful in the valleys or apathetic n the pastures. To not be frustrated and unsettled in the mundane. Rather, Father, let us know the joy of the little things, the daily interaction with you, the moment by moment acts of obedience, and the step-by-step nature of grace.
May Jesus’ joy be in us, and may our joy be full as we abide in your Word and in your love. Amen.