Psalm 67

Read Psalm 67.

I don’t know about you, but this Psalm put a smile on my face today. Often times the weight of the world is all I can focus on, and I forget how much praise the Lord deserves. Despite this broken world, God is using sin and evil for our good and for his glory. He deserves all the praise in the world, and I think this Psalm is a great reminder of that.

I love the very first verse, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us.” Did anyone else grow up singing, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” in choir? Maybe that was just me, but I absolutely loved it. The song is based off of Numbers 6:24-26, and I’m assuming that these words that God spoke to Moses were taken and used as a song in Psalm 67.

This verse in Psalm 67 has always stood out to me, probably because of the song I sang in choir, but also, to me this is saying that our actions can sometimes speak louder than words. And since I’m such a quiet person (shocker!), this is super comforting to me. The Lord can be made known simply through His radiance reflecting off of us. I believe this can look like joyful and smiling faces in the midst of suffering. I don’t know how that would go unnoticed.

Eric and I have been trying to ask each other more often, “Where did you see God at work this week?” and I think this has really helped us to recognize all that the Lord is doing, which automatically leads to praising him. I definitely want to make this more of a weekly rhythm for us and maybe you can too. God deserves all the praise in the world. “Let all the peoples praise, you O God; let all the peoples praise you!”

—Bethany Powell
