Psalm 84

Read Psalm 84

I don’t know about you, but I love “creating memories” with my kiddos, my family, my friends,  those I love the most in world. And then I love looking back at photos or in a conversation saying “Remember when we...” Those moments are sweet!

Have you ever had the “moment” that when you think back on it you long for more of it? Maybe it was a family time, a meal, a mountain top, the beach, vacations, or just being with someone(s)! 

Think for a minute of a place that you have been over the past year and simply sit back and smile and long for more of that. Then ask yourself: Why does that specific memory spark such a longing? What made it so unique and special?

In Psalm 84 we see David writing a Psalm that some of us may have sung before. Verses 1, 2 and 10 say this,

How lovely is your dwelling place,
    Lord Almighty!
  My soul yearns, even faints,
    for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh cry out
    for the living God.

Better is one day in your courts
    than a thousand elsewhere.


We have been receiving emails from Jeremy about our “hunger and thirst...” So think back to a moment where you have experienced God, His Presence, His Grace, His Peace...Dwell on that for a bit, linger there, not to “re-create” that memory, but simply to remember that better is that ONE DAY in His presence than anywhere else because “my soul longs (hungers and thirsts) to be in His presence.” 

May today be a day that we would look back on and simply say “that day was special” because I know I was in the Presence of the Living God. My prayer for us today is that our “minds attention and our hearts affection” are focused on who He is.


-- Mark Ramsey
